
Sunday 23 June 2013

The Abbey Bookstore, Paris

The Abbey Bookstore
The Abbey Bookstore looks charming, it's going on my list of places I want to visit. I love bookshops that have piles higgledy-piggledy stacked books, a musty smell and peaceful hush of a library.  Places where you can browse for ages and find hidden gems.  

When I used to live in Sheffield, I used to regularly go to a second hand bookshop that looked pretty similar to this, though the building wasn't quite so grand. It was three stories high, and there were piles of books everywhere, all up the stairs, and in floor to celling mismatched bookshelves, precariously balanced. The man that owned the shop used to just sit behind the counter, reading, listening to jazz and ignoring the customers. I wish I could remember the name of it, it was really good to go to and get cheap editions of my assigned reading for uni. I think it might have closed down now, it used to be near Devonshire Green near a vintage jewellery shop. If anyone know if it's still open can you let me know?  

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