
Saturday, 20 July 2013

Robert Galbraith

Robert Galbraith author of The Cuckoo's Calling has recently been unmasked as the pseudonym of legendary Harry Potter writer J.K Rowling. The full story can be read here.

 I personally think it's a massive shame for J.K that she has been outed. She has already released one adult novel post-Harry Potter, The Casual Vacancy under her own name, and I do think the criticism and attention the book was received was influenced both positively and negatively by her fame. So I completely understand why she would to anonymously release The Cuckoo's Calling, so she could get a genuine critique writing in new genre. I won't be surprised if she sues the solicitors who leaked the story to the papers.

 It's not as if she needs the money, I think she genuinely writes as she enjoys it and I doubt she was concerned at the initially low sales of The Cuckoo's Calling. Of course now that is known that she wrote it, the book is number one of the best selling lists and signed first editions are selling for £3000

I think it's a shame that she used a male name as a pseudonym. Women authors are still under represented on best-selling lists  and are reviewed substantially less than their male counterparts. Also crime is a genre dominated by male authors and perceived to have a predominately male readership. J.K is a respected female author, and I think she has missed an opportunity here to promote other women authors, after all when she first wrote Harry Potter, people assumed she was a man because of her gender neutral initials.   
I am interested in reading The Cuckoo's Calling and admittedly probably wouldn't be so intrigued if the author wasn't J.K.              

What do you think? Will you be reading The Cuckoo's Calling? Why do you think J.K Rowling used a pseudonym? 

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