
Thursday, 29 August 2013

Potted Potter

picture taken from here

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter,  new covers have been designed. Personally, I prefer the new covers, they look more dynamic, but  neither of the American covers can compete with the original British versions. Though the Harry Potter dust jackets aren't the most striking, (I remember when I was 10 resisting reading the first HP, as the cover made me think it was about train-spotting) I'm still nostalgically loyal to the originals.

If you want to have a look at Harry Potter cover art from around the world, have a look here.

Also, in other Harry Potter related news- I saw this advertised on the tube, Potted Potter, all 7 books condensed into 70 minutes, with only 2 actors. It's got some good reviews, so I might have to try and get tickets.

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