
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Walnut and Coffee Cake

bookandacuppa, book and a cuppa, book & a cuppa, home baking, Nigel Lawson, Birthday, Coffee and Walnut Cake, pictures, treat, fat, naughty, butter icing, espresso, failed attempt, delicious

I don't really like coffee, but it's not my birthday and this was what was requested. I followed this recipe here. It's a Nigella Lawson so of course it is completely gluttonous, which is ideal for a birthday cake. Unfortunately my attempt has sunk in the middle- a fact I've unsuccessful tried to hide with walnuts!

bookandacuppa, book and a cuppa, book & a cuppa, home baking, Nigel Lawson, Birthday, Coffee and Walnut Cake, pictures, treat, fat, naughty, butter icing, espresso, failed attempt, delicious
I think the dip  might be because I opened the oven at a critical stage
 I'm sure if it'll taste fine despite its looks, and even though I'm not a coffee fan, I'm sure I'll manage a slice or two.

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