
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

new year's reading resolutions

So, I'm a bit behind on this as we're a week into the new year, but better late than never. Alongside some personal resolutions, I'm setting some reading goals:-

1.  Finish reading The Iliad and The Odyssesy. This was one of my aims for 2013, I got halfway through of both and then abandoned the project, but this time I'm determined!

Penguin classics, The Iliad, The Odyssesy, Homer, book covers, paperback

2. Attend a spoken word event. 

3. Stop buying books when I've got some many on my shelves I haven't yet read. I have a ridiculous amount of books, I might have to start a one in one out policy and donate some to charity. 
pretty, bookshelf, book & a cuppa, photography, photo, book spines, reading, bookcase, literature, colourful

4. Read more critically, after spending a fortune and 3 years hard work I don't want to forget everything I learnt at uni.

5. Read more non-fiction. This sort of ties in with the goal above, I want to continue to educate myself. I was fortunate to receive some non-fiction for Christmas, so I should be able to make a start on this goal easily. 
Flappers, Narcoland, The Irresistible Fairy Tale, photography, book spine

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