
Monday, 31 March 2014

what I've read this month (March)

Here's my monthly round up, click on the links for my review:
  1. Lyndsay Faye, Seven for a Secret
  2. Margaret Atwood, Bodily Harm
  3. Ian McEwan, Sweet Tooth
  4. Nigel Tranter, Robert the Bruce; The Steps to the Empty Throne (only up to page 223)
  5. Jo Baker, Longbourn
  6. Jeanette Winterson, Weight 
  7. A.S Byatt, Ragnarok 
  8. Conn Iggulden, The Wolf on the Plains (Conqueror: book 1) 
  9. Conn Iggulden, Lords of the Bow (Conqueror: book 2)
I had a slow start to the month, Robert the Bruce completely defeated me. I struggled on for two and half weeks and only got half way through, then I thought why am I doing this? It's really dry, for a story about succession and warfare featuring historic legends Robert the Bruce and William Wallace is was incredibly dull. Although, I have learnt something about the fight for Scottish independence, which I'm grateful for, it wasn't worth me persevering with. 

Best book out of the bunch was undoubtedly A.S Byatt, Ragnarok, if you've read my glowing review you'll know how passionate about this novel. Seven for a Secret was also a solidly good read, although not without flaws. 

Slightly ashamed that there are two Conn Iggulden books on this list (and I'm halfway through a third), they're a bit trashy really, but they're harmless fun and an easy read. The Conqueror series charts the life of Genghis Khan and I've been galloping through them like a Mongol horde sweeping through China. 

Keeping up with my news years challenge, I've started two non-fiction books, hopefully which I'll have finished by the end of next month. 

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